Run #1758 – The Toc Tien Mountain Trail Run Report

What a truly epic hash, though not without the usual bollocks up the hares, Non Stop Cock, One Minute GM, and Cemen Trader, outdid themselves with an A-B trail that took us deep into the rugged beauty of Toc Tien Mountain but managed to send off a bunch of hashers in the wrong direction with an absolute bullshit final mark. We also took SO FUCKING LONG we arrived at the circle site just in time to witness the Vung Tau Hashers drinking the last of their beer and leaving.

Highlights of the Trail

A scenic, adventurous romp through hills, streams, and dense foliage. INCLUDINIG LOADS OF SPIKEY SHIT!

We had a bunch of visitors from JAPAN and AMERICANISTAN plus PORN-SURFING LOCALS. They didn’t know what the hash was but seemed to enjoy the spectacle nonetheless.

Circle Shenanigans

One of the more memorable moments came when someone decided it was a brilliant idea to snap a photo of another hasher’s bare arse while they were being iced. This act of taint documentation was met with swift justice – instant icing! Because really, who needs that kind of “content” going viral online?

Allowette was also so fucking hungover from the HARRIETS mad metro run on Friday that her 2 day hangover was treated with multiple revive down downs.

The entire force of SGN Harriets were also ICED en mass for being a fucking weird cult that only operates on ZALO – they will be better as visiting harriet Takes it in the Ass Burger would have loved to been as hungover AF as Allowette but could not join and they ignored their own facebook.

On-On and Bus Adventures

The post-run bus ride was smooth sailing for a change, with boisterous singing and zero vomit casualties and a totally not even illegal piss stop with allowed us to restock beer which the JAPANESE then hammered though leaving the bus dry twice in one night!

Speaking of which our new regular jolly bus driver is a fucking legend who puts beer on ice and cleans up all our cans and bottles – maybe a few bin bags MMC might help him?

A metro D2 drop off followed by a crew of 10 made it to the ON-ON at the Nguyen Huu Canh drop-off, where yet another stellar location delivered heaps of food and beer for just 200k per person.

FROM THE MAD SCREAMING next-door we followed VIET NAM taking a massive Bong Da shit on Thailand rushing in to see goal replays as we went. The Japanese ran to the airport for lounge session rather than mad traffic and everyone scattered in grabs before the VIET STORM took to the streets.

Throwback Vibes

The whole day had a throwback feel reminiscent of the 2012–2015 golden era of hashing – good times, great trail, and absolutely no BS. It was everything a hasher could hope for: sweat, songs, ice, and camaraderie.



Your humble RA and Scribe for the day KATOYBOY

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