Run #1738 The hungry ghosts trail Run Report

Ho Chi Minh City’s weather on the 18th of August was about 35°C, but the real heat on the pavement was more than that. We—the hares—have decided that it was perfect weather for a city trail. What’s more wonderful than spending our Sunday afternoon to run across the markets of D4, puddles of god knows what liquid on the ground, through the busy traffic, and narrow hems of D8, then cross the huge bridges to D1, under the sun and heat?

Có thể là hình ảnh về 7 người và đám đông

The normal person’s answer would be, “There’re a lot of other wonderful things to do than run in this weather.”. But to us, the fools of Saigon Hash House Harriers, we’re here for refreshment afterward, there’s nothing compare to a cold beer after 2 hours of constant sweat. So the run started at Huong Lua 3 restaurant in d4 —the best in town according to General Erection, though he has never eaten here. Despite the theme of the run, there would be no thirst or hunger on this trail.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 10 người

One thing about our run is that hashers have to find their own way by following the marks right from the beginning; of course, the front-running bastards fucked up right away by following each other, causing the hares to do their job. I did not do the run that day, but I set the trail and watched Hashers fail to look for arrows, which brought me a little amusement because the arrows are giantic and hard to miss. The run committed to be through 3 districts, so the distance is not less than 10 km; for the FRB, it could be even more.

The first part of the run was pretty easy and familiar, especially with everyone who went on a run with GE before; this part is just his neighborhood with all his familiar spots, restaurants, and Xom Chieu Market. After that, the runners have to cross a bridge to get to D8, and for walkers, we just stick along the river of D4. Talking about the part in D8, we had some trouble finding spots for drawing marks since the whole streel was wet. It would be no surprise to me if somebody got lost.


To be honest, I’ve never been to D8 before (not that I have any business here) but this run is such a good excuse to explore this part of town. Back to the walkers, we have a brilliant time under my lead on the trail that I made up as I go. The first beer stop is located in a random hem of D4, with 2 shirtless guys owning the shop and a fridge full of beer. Perfect for a break. Have I mentioned that there’re 2 beer stops on this trail? That’s right, we don’t want anyone to be thirsty. Especially Paddy Fag, who was super helpful and almost took over the hare responsibility after the second beer stop, because he was so grateful for drinks.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 10 người và đường phốCó thể là hình ảnh về 10 người, xe đạp, xe scooter và văn bản

The last part of the walk was more than delightful, with the wind and the river along side with us. Before anyone can complain (mostly Paddy Fag), we made it back to the restaurant bright and early and got ourselves another drink while the runners found their way back from D1. The circle was blessed with a couple of virgins and returnees, some orgasm story between Team Jack Off and his new boyfriend. The trail ended with plenty of cold beer and delicious food.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 7 người và đường phốCó thể là hình ảnh về 8 người và thủy vực

Until the next trail, we’re also short in hares for the 15th of September. Please help us to volunteer so we can have many more interesting events to come.

On on
Cherry Ho

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