#1729 The Annual Fruit Trail
Time: Sun, 23/06/2024
Hares: Cock-a-Leeky, Sore Arse and In&Out
The Saigon Hash House Harriers gathered in front of the Caravelle at 2 pm on Sunday, the weather was exceptionally nice despite the huge storm the night before. This week had so many new faces, and everyone was excited to go on the fruit tour with Binh Duong H3.
The run site was located in Binh Duong only less than 1 hour ride on the bus from Saigon. If you have never heard about this place, it’s one of the Southern Key Economic Zone of Vietnam, and it’s famous for fresh fruit farms. After a sudden switch from the modern paved road to a dirt trail we met In & Out, Cock a Leeky, and Sore Arse in this beautiful campsite/ restaurant by the river.
With no hesitation Cock a Leeky just fucked off right away to begin his live hare set. In live trails like this, a hare would be given a head start of 10-15 minutes to lay the trail, then the hasher will follow the marks and try to find the way. But that’s only for running, on the walking trail we still just need to follow our hares most of the time.
Hash Run #1730’s circle started, after a long “sleepy” introduction of the virgins and returnees, we had a warm-up session to wake everyone up with the song “Go banana!” in the lead of Cocktail Fail. After that, the run started.
There is one thing I remember about Cock a Leeky’s trail it’s always straight, he’s a serious runner so the run is not going to be less than 9km. However, he did really surprise me with run 1730, there were multiple checks in the first 2km which helped me and other slow runners to keep up with the front bastards. The most enjoyable part of the trail was when we entered the farm area with these big jack fruit trees shielding us from the heat.
It was lovely, we met some locals taking a chill afternoon in their natural pool. There were a lot of dogs but some of them were pretty friendly, even tried to chase me.
Overall the first half of the trail was nice and beautiful. We met the walkers at this beer stop with cold beer, coconut, and mangosteens waiting for us.
The second half was even more enjoyable, with the sight of sunset along the river. One thing I could clearly spot was the hare had lost his patience cuz there was no check. Add on to the fact that I was so slow, I managed to follow a faulty trail and arrived at the circle almost dead last.
The circle was rock this week with some Hashiversary, the spotlight was Creamy Two Lips hitting her 300 run and Alowetty’s 21+ birthday. There were some charges but no naming this week, in the next one Jay Jay will be getting his name.
Circle ended with cold beers, cake, and yummy snacks, thanks for a great Hash run In & Out, Cock a Leeky, and Sore Arse.
On On
Cherry Ho