After our recent Saturday and city run shenannigans, it was back to the traditional Sunday afternoon in the countryside. No recent rain, and the weather is not too hot. Surely a bumper turnout could be expected? Things got off to a poor start when Cock-a-Leaky was given responsibility for picking up the beer. So, we set off a tad late. However, we arrived at the A point without any further problems.

The run itself was a beauty. Nice pretty trails, some dressage style running over the pathways between paddies, and a few dodgy bridges to negotiate. And a very pleasant beer stop. OK, there was a little road running but only in the 100s of metres, we did get our feet wet right at the start (of course), and a few people (myself included) fell a** over t* into the mud, but it wouldn’t be a hash without some hashocentricities.

The circle responsibilities (ha!) were carried out by Cherry Ho and Katoy Boy in the midst of the worst mosquito feeding frenzy in some time. Note to self: don’t wear a kilt when the mozzies are in attack mode.