Welcome to the Annual William of Orange Hash. It also celebrates US Independence Day so Cocktail Fail is covered by both occasions. It is an A to A hash. It is set by a river, the Dong Nai River, to show reverence for the day and will include lovely countryside tracks it is actually a virgin Hash and if it rains it will be a very sloppy virgin indeed. As it is the Annual William of Orange Hash please wear orange. The two Hares will be appropriately attired with the new and exclusive SH3 LOL Orange Sashes and Bowler hats. A word of warning to the Dutch, English, French, Irish, and Scottish hashers, if you don't get sh#t doing the hash you will certainly get it in the circle. Please bring all of your friends and spare bottles of spirits. At the end of our run (about 8km) or walk (about 5km), we quench our thirst with cold beer and snacks. On On Paddy Fag and Cocktail Fail Date and time: 2 pm Sun July 07th, 2024, bus pick up at Caravelle Hares: Paddy Fag & Cocktail Fail Location: Phước Vĩnh Đông, Ho Chi Minh City, Long An (Only 1 hour south of the Caravelle Hotel). – HPFQ+V6Q Cần Giuộc, Long An, Vietnam. A- A' trail, Shiggy level 4/5 (bring slippers for the circle) Run: 8-10KM Walk: 5KM Fee: Expat: VND 300,000, VNmese: VND 200,000, Children < 16 years: VND 100,000 1st Bus Pick up: Caravelle 2nd Pickup at: The Park Residence, 12 Đ. Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, Phước Kiển, Nhà Bè, Hồ Chí Minh. (By sheer coincidence the bus passes Paddy Fag's home)!!!
_______________________________________________________________________ Scan the QR to keep up with us on WhatsApp  —- Credit: Saigon Hash House Harriers Website: saigonhashers.com Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556661491262 —- On On Saigon Hash House Harriers A drinking club with a running problem