An excellent turn out of hashers on the banks of the canal (or is it a river, never quite sure). As usual Paddy Fag kept us all waiting and offered a lame excuse on arrival.
"Phuc Me Not Happy" was hare for the runners, while, In and Out navigated the walkers around and along the banks and meanders of the Nhieu Loc. (river or canal?)
"Phuc Me Not Happy" initially furnished us running hashers with plenty of chalk arrow markers, however, the use of different coloured chalk did lead to some confusion and head scratching further along the trail, actually, this didnt concern I choked Linda Lovelace as it managed him to go from last to the FRB on several occasions. I thought I knew this area reasonably well, but PMNH took us down many a small and narrow hem and past several discreet looking establishments.

Fortunately the weather remained clement, enabling a pleasant, unrushed, and well needed beer stop. I did get some strange looks from families alighting their bikes before entering the leisure complex behind us.

Was it my imagination or did I detect an absence of arrows on the latter part of the trail? I thought to myself "hare couldn't be arsed any longer as it was probably raining when he set the trail, or just wanted a beer, a perfectly acceptable reason, by the way". However, everyone made it back safely

GM Three Shitty Titties called the circle "to order" in order to pay our respects to Miss Loan hash name Friendly Bank, who died suddenly last week. She and her husband were committed, well loved and respected hashers. Our thoughts and condolences are with husband Sean and son Blake.
General Erection had trawled through his extensive hash haberdash wardrobe inorder to wear a hash shirt she had sponsored in 2004 this gives us an idea of how well liked she was.

Our circle, ably led by religious advisor Paddy Fag then went on to welcome several Virgins, brought along by Team Jackoff, i don't recall their names except one, Josh,he was from Harringay London and guys from Siberia and India. Returnees and visitors were also welcomed back. (My favourite excuses from returnees is… "do you know what, i just couldn't be arsed and "just too lazy.") Charges were made and ice sat on; unfortunately or should that be fortunately, ICLL was iced, a case of mistaken identity, i hasten to add. The real perpetrator did offer his apologies later.

Loan Le was called into the circle for her "Naming," and fortunately common sense reigned, as we couldn't think of a suitable name for such an able and competent hasher. It was decided we would give ourselves a week to come up with an alternative. So thinking caps on folks.
The left sunglasses are in safe hands, as is the Umbrella left on Wednesday evenings hump.
Apologies for any mistakes or omissions, all purely accidental.
I Choked Linda Lovelace
I Choked Linda Lovelace